The attached rubric is meant to be a mentoring rubric, not necessarily one used during actual examination.
1. The “Pass” categories are very rigorously scored. When coaching, it is important to prepare the student for every possible testing situation. For some of the tasks there are multiple interpretations of what constitutes the expectations. In addition, even when the general interpretational is similar, different examiners have differing view of the relative importance of various components of a given task. For instance, some are considerably more concerned about the quality of the pick- up than are others.
I have no doubt that scoring “Borderline” on many tasks would pass – depending on the examiner.
The point is, if a candidate can hit a passing score on this rubric, it means ALL examiners would pass him/her. When preparing athletes for competition, a coach prepares his/her athletes for the most biased referees, the stiffest possible competition, the worst weather, etc. We need to do the same when preparing for a test or mentoring candidates. Candidates need to be ready for any and all expectations.
2. This rubric represents my personal interpretation of the tasks and my observations after participating in, or observing, the examination of 15 or so MCI candidates. (around 30 different examiners)
3. This is not an officially sanctioned IFFF document. It is meant solely as a tool that some may find useful in mentoring candidates and/or preparing for the exam.
4. Remember: A rubric is nothing more than a checklist with the addition of relative values assigned to different components of the check list. The values assigned in this rubric reflect a conglomerate of those I have observed.
Feel free to modify the rubric as you see fit, but don’t make it “easier” or you will not be prepared for any and all possible testing environments.
Have fun, and comments are welcomed.
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